
咨询热线 400-6169-615

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关键词:雅思 杭州雅思暑假班



价格   13480起
班型   74次课/296课时   30人
赠送   内部讲义,代报名服务 。


高中英语成绩 100 分以上,词汇量在 1500 左右的初中生或高中生。


以雅思考试 6.0 分为目标,通过 216 课时,首先为学员打下听说读写及词汇语法等各方面的坚实基础,然后进行强化和运用,最后辅之以雅思真题基础上的应试实战演练,帮助学员取得理想分数,为出国留学做好准备。


剑桥青少第 3 册;《剑桥雅思 2-8 真题》;《雅思考试语音语调教程( 4.5-6 分)》;《雅思考试语法与词汇教程( 4.5-6 分)》;《雅思考试口语金牌教程( 5-6.5 分)》;《雅思考试写作教程( 5-6.5 分)》;《新航道内部讲义》;《雅思考前速递机经》。


新航道杭州学校蝉联英国文化教育协会评定的 白金级合作伙伴 ” 

教师经验丰富 —— 我们更专业!

自主研发联合剑桥大学等出版社 —— 我们更学术!

环境格局学习氛围 —— 我们更温暖!


每周循环开班 平时班:周一至周五 正课:9:00-12:00 13:20-16:20 周末班:周六至周日 正课:9:00-12:00 13:20-16:20。



新航道雅思师资:刘华俊:所授学科: 雅思听力学术带头人。教育背景: 雅思听力学术带头人,教授雅思听力、雅思写作课程;雅思总分8.5分,听力阅读满分,口语8.5分;著有九分达人雅思听力真题还原及解析4、6(待出版),其他译作若干;雅思官方认证培训师,教龄10年,教学习惯极好,对待每一个学生都非常认真负责,上课注重个体的差异,强调语境教学;课堂教学活泼细致,动静结合,力求做到一个也不能少,高分学员频出。


价格   10780起
班型   22课次/86课时   10人









新航道雅思师资:闫婷婷;所授学科: 雅思阅读主讲;教育背景: 英语科班出身,英语专业八级,教授雅思阅读、雅思写作、SSAT阅读,教学经验丰富,授课内容上注重实用性与实战性,善于将复杂问题及理论简洁化,并通过有效训练帮助学生熟记并能正确运用,进而不断在原有技能基础上获得扩展和提高。教学风格轻松自然,擅长把握学员的性格,善于启发和引导学生,切实帮助学员早日完成考试目标和实现更大的进步。


价格: 550
班型:1课时  1人

新航道雅思师资:蒋文慧;所授学科: 雅思口语、阅读主讲;教育背景: 教授雅思口语、面试口语课程;香港大学教育学硕士,英语专业八级,雅思高分获得者。英语功底扎实,发音纯正,善于调动课堂气氛,亲和力强。教学耐心细致,认真负责,能发现并有效地提高学生的薄弱环节。上课多采用Genre教学体系,由浅及深,注重培养学生的英语应用能力。


杭州新航道17年学术,40余家分校,3000名师,100万学员。 根据不同基础学员设定个性化学习模式。 考试培训+留学规划一站式服务。 高能高分,注重学员能力+提分的机构。80%的老师来自海外名校,十余年一线教学经验预约免费试听课400-6169-615



新航道国际教育集团(NEW CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GROUP LIMITED) 由中国著名英语教育专家与教学管理专家胡敏教授率领一批国内外教育精英及专家学者共同创办于2004年,国际数据集团(IDG)(美国)和Kaplan国际教育集团(美国)参与战略投资。“新航道”三个字源于胡敏教授创办机构时对其二十一年教育实践的总结,下决心在大学的“庙堂英语”和培训机构的“江湖英语”之间开辟语言教育的新航道。新航道国际教育集团恪守“奋斗成就梦想”的核心价值观,坚持“高能高分”的教育理念,立志“做全球顶尖的教育机构”,帮助中国学子和家庭实现更美好的人生。

New Channel International Education Group was founded in 2004 by a group of elite Chinese and foreign language trainers and expert academics, led by English Language Education and Academic Management expert Prof. Hu Min. New Channel is an international language education institution that has received strategic investment from the International Data Group and Kaplan. The brand "New Channel" originated from the accumulation of Prof. Hu Min's twenty-one years of teaching experience. Prof. Hu Min was determined to pioneer a "New Channel" of language education between Chinese colleges at English Language Education and Social English training. New Channel has been keeping to its core value "Hard work makes dreams come true." persisting in the education philosophy of "Better English, Higher Score", and striving to be a global top educational institution, thereby helping Chinese students and their families to make life better.



New Channel has a wide variety of subsidiaries including training schools, study abroad consulting companies, an AP Curriculum Center, an E-learning department (New Channel online), A+ English, Parade English, a book-publishing department, a franchising department, and branch organizations all over China. New Channel has partnerships with organizations including Peking University, Renmin University of China, China Foreign Affairs University, Capital Normal University, Shanghai Normal University, Nanjing Normal University, China Higher Education Press, MacMillan Education, and other renowned academic organizations and schools.



In the past 12 years, New Channel has established branches in over 40 cities across China, and opened more than 300 learning centers. Following the spirit of the school's motto, "I will persist until I succeed! ", our training schools persist in the teaching style of being "Academic, Motivational and Passionate", and follow the standards of having "Small Classes, Teaching Assistants and Individualized Service". Relying on a deep foundation in academics, a pragmatic educational style, a strong capacity for research and development, and a prolific enterprising spirit, New Channel has quickly risen to the top of its industry. With its educational content, textbook R&D, the quality of its courses, and its service environment, New Channel has set a new standard, raising the bar for China's English training industry, and creating a path to success in English for all Chinese students.



English Training: New Channel provides IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, SAT, ACT, AP, SSAT, an overseas study English preparation program, English Express, and other high quality training programs. Our individualized training programs, elite small class-size programs, and boarding school program can meet various learning needs of students. By implementing personalized learning plans, our programs can enable students to reach a higher level of English, achieve higher scores in the short term, and can enable them to master skills that are required during overseas study as critical thinking, effective communication and team work.


A+ English: "A+ English" is New Channel's elite English training program for K-12 students. Focused on cultivating the English abilities of children ages 6-16, New Channel utilizes Cambridge study material, tying together KET, PET, FCE, and middle/high school entrance exam systems with English learning, training, and testing, providing students a versatile learning plan and fostering children who can truly use English.


少儿英语:派乐多快乐英语是新航道国际教育集团旗下的高端幼少儿英语培训品牌。作为“Edutainment”即“育乐”教育理念的领导者,派乐多快乐英语凭借独有的“实景反应式”教学模式,将“Education”(教育)和“Entertainment”(娱乐)两个元素完美结合,以寓教于乐的形式把“快乐学习”融入到孩子们的课堂, “派送给孩子快乐多多”!

Kid's English: The "Parade English" is New Channel's elite English training program for young children. As a leader of "Edutainment", Parade English intertwines education and entertainment using unique "real-life" teaching methods, infusing fun into children's learning experience, thereby enabling youngsters to enjoy learning.


Study Abroad: New Channel's Study Abroad Center is led by renowned instructors from American colleges providing services based on the principle of “Using Integrity to Create Your Future”. With the foundation of numerous successful cases, our center can deliver professional tailored overseas study portfolios, as well as attentive and high quality service along the way.

美国AP课程中心:长郡中学美国AP课程中心是美国大学理事会(College Board)授权的湖南首个AP全日制学习中心,致力于引进国外优质的教育资源,促进中国高中教育教学改革,培养胸怀祖国且具有国际视野和全球竞争力的国际复合型、创新型、领袖型人才。

AP Curriculum: New Channel's AP Curriculum Center at Changjun Middle School in Changsha is the first full-time learning center in Hunan Province authorized by the College Board. The center is engaged in introducing high quality education resources from overseas, promoting education reforms in high schools in China, and cultivating patriotic, globalized, and highly-competitive individuals.


E-learning: Based on New Channel's strong teaching team and educational resources, New Channel's E-learning provides high quality IELTS, TOEFL and re-designed SAT online courses, which are recorded, streamed and personalized. Students can learn from teachers anywhere and anytime, and also can interact with other students online. Through E-learning we hope our excellent courses and teaching philosophy can reach all corners of the world.



Publishing: New Channel's book-publishing department is engaged in book and audio editing, publishing, marketing, and retailing. Currently it is partnering with China Higher Education Press, China Publishing Group Corp., CTPC and World Affairs Press, and it is also cooperating with renowned institutions such as Kaplan, MacMillan Education, McGraw-Hill, and CENGAGE Learning. To date, New Channel has produced over 400 original books and multimedia products, with content ranging from domestic and international tests to comprehensive English with distributors in every province, city, and autonomous regions in China. Millions of students have benefited from these materials.


Franchising: Based on the successful "New Channel" model, New Channel's franchising department has promoted our brand to more than seventy cities across China. We are dedicated to collaborating with those committed to English education and to help develop the national market under the philosophy of "Better English, Higher Score".

  • 学校名称:杭州新航道学校


    授课地址:杭州8大直营校区就近入学。 预约参观